public speaking training

 “i understand what it feels like to be in front of an audience, whether it be two people, two hundred or two thousand and i am committed to sharing first-hand knowledge and experience to help.”

Hannah Ingram-Moore

Does public speaking or presenting fill you with fear? I will be able to allay that fear, boost your confidence and put you in a position where you not only master the art of presenting but genuinely look forward to the opportunities to showcase your speaking skills.

My programme is personally tailored to you and will equip you with the expertise, techniques, and simple strategies needed to stand out (for all the right reasons) when you have an upcoming public speaking engagement.

Why choose training with Hannah?

  • Career Advancement: Public speaking is one of the critical skills for career advancement, and yet many people struggle with it and live with the fear of being called upon.

  • Individual or Group Coaching: All courses and coaching cover the foundations such as speaking without notes, handling nerves and structuring and delivering presentations.

  • Tailored approach: Each individual’s concerns about public speaking are going to be different to the next person, so our very first session together will highlight any underlying reasons and possible areas of doubt. We then go through them so that you push any worries to one side completely. We also work on your areas of strength, including personality, tone, and style so that they shine through.

  • Expert Trainer: For decades I have been immersed in the global business world, where I have taken part in over a thousand media interviews and given hundreds of presentations. I understand what it feels like to be in front of an audience, whether it be two people or two hundred or two thousand and I am committed to sharing my first-hand knowledge and experience to help.

  • Develop winning presentations: With my experienced team, I’ll work closely with you to write and create a persuasive presentation that goes beyond refining your speaking skills. Our decades of business knowledge and expertise will help guide you through compelling content, data analysis, and competitive research enabling you to pitch perfectly to the audience in front of you.  We also spend time with you analysing what different stakeholders will need to hear so that you deliver in a captivating and impactful way every time.

  • Practical tools, resources and feedback: We will analyse your performance and give encouraging, positive advice that will help you shape your presentation skills to be the best you can offer. We give you templates and quick tip guides to take away so that you can keep referring to them should you need a reminder beyond the training sessions.

  • Flexible sessions: I offer in-person and virtual sessions to fit in with your pace and timetable.