


“Be unwavering in your pursuit of personal achievement and happiness, be bold, authentic and remarkablE.”

Business and eXECutive LIFE COACH

Working with Hannah allows you to reach the goals, objectives, and vision you have for your life. The key is you and Hannah helps you unlock what that means through present and future-focused coaching.

author & podcaster

With the unfailing positivity and support from wonderful people all over the world, particularly over the last few months, the idea of writing my side of the story became a more realistic opportunity and I am delighted to say that I am finally doing it.

motivational sPEAKER

After a wealth of experiences that give her invaluable insight into juggling a professional, family and a global phenomenon, Hannah is a much sought after public speaker, as she seeks to share her knowledge and stories to inspire others.

My time with Hannah helped me to make a smooth transition into my new role and as a result was able to deliver results and the required change more quickly and with confidence.

Neil Randall, CEO, Urban Gym Group