make this your best year yet

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” ― C.S. Lewis

There’s nothing like a crisp January to press the reset button.  We have 12 months ahead of us to achieve some exciting new goals so here are a few ways to make a fresh NEW START and make this year one of your very best.

Nod to strangers

Be the kindest, politest person you know, and you will not only make someone’s day, but you will feel fantastic. Even if you’re grinning like a Cheshire cat and your dazzling smile is not always returned - any confrontation or irritation you may feel, whether it be in a shop, home or at work, will be dissipated if you treat everyone with respect. People who are calm and collected are not pushovers, they are simply people who have got their priorities, and what matters in life, in focus.

Evaluate regularly

To be sure that you are moving in the right direction, it’s important to regularly review what you are doing. There are two reasons for this: firstly, you will be able to look at where you have been spending your time and analyse if it’s helping you reach your goals. Secondly, by looking back over the work you have done over the last few weeks or months, you will be able to see just how far you have come. It’s not always obvious but as you evaluate what you’ve done, you’ll be surprised at the progress you have made, often with small steps, which should boost confidence in your ability.

Weaknesses – embrace them

Nobody is perfect and nor should we attempt to be, it would be a dull world if we were all brilliant at the same things. We all have skills we are proud of but there are also areas that we feel we could improve but we shouldn’t be disheartened. If we feel we must get better in these areas of apparent weakness (whether it be finance, fitness or focus at work) just take stock of what needs to be done and make a commitment to change. Whether it’s setting an alarm to tackle taxes earlier in the year or spend more time with the family – don’t feel guilty about the past just make a fresh start and keep looking forward.

Second opinion

Writing a to-do list is a great way of not forgetting important items but as it grows longer and longer it can feel too much to deal with, even before you’ve begun.  If you don’t know where to start, then run it by someone you trust and explain what your own goals are so that you only focus on the items that will really get you there. This will make you feel less alone and your trusted ally may also have tips on how to do things more quickly and efficiently. A non-judgmental friend, family member or a life coach will be the boost you need to help streamline what you need to do.

Tune out

Social media is a powerful tool and whether we want it to or not, our brain is bombarded with news and events that aren’t always positive and subconsciously that feeling of negativity or comparison with others can slip into our own lives. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t feel emotions when scrolling through feeds so give yourself the permission and self-respect to take time to tune out.  It’s easier said than done but just making a commitment to, for example, not having your mobile near you when you eat, or get up first thing in the morning, will make a huge impact as you will find a sense of control, calm and the art of conversation being reinstated.

Accept the bumps in the road

We’ve all been there. We diligently set our goals for the quarter and get excited about the progress we are making and then bam! Out of nowhere something unexpected happens to put a stop to it all. Whether it be that a client contract gets terminated, a fantastic colleague decides to move to another company, or you have something happen at home that puts everything on hold. Whatever it is do not despair and definitely do not give up. Everyone has unexpected diversions, but the most successful businesspeople say it’s often what has made them more resilient and determined to reach their desired goal, even if it does take a little bit longer.

Reward yourself

Getting to where you want to be is hard work. It takes dedication, self-belief and tenacity particularly when things get difficult. So be sure that along the way you take the time to reward yourself. Don’t be afraid to celebrate even if you get just a tiny step closer to your end goal and equally don’t feel that you can only congratulate yourself until the very end of a process. Rewarding yourself after every small win, whether it be a meeting with potential client or brainstorming ideas for the year, is motivating and reminds you that you’re doing a fantastic job.

Take time

Goals don’t work without plans but putting them together can be overwhelming so be sure to take a realistic look at what you would like to achieve during a specific period whether it be a year or three years. Be sure that you are giving yourself a manageable timeframe so that you actually reach your goals or you will feel demotivated. Whether it be something you want to achieve at home or work, be sure to plan in detail and ringfence your goals. By making them your top priority nothing should be able to steer you off track.

So no time for delay in getting started…here’s to your fantastic year ahead!

 If you would like further information about the accredited coaching that I offer, how it could benefit you or your business, please get in touch here.


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