nine easy ways to get out of a negative mindset

“There are so many great things in life, why dwell on negativity?” Zendaya

This time of year is exciting as we look forward to a fresh start but it can also fill us with anguish as we look to the 12 months ahead.  

To many, another birthday on the horizon seems daunting or we may not feel we’ll reach our multitude of new goals, money can be dwindling after the festive season, exacerbated by the current cost of living crisis we are experiencing, and so by the middle of January, it’s not unusual to start feeling down.

If this sounds familiar and you need to get back into a positive state of mind here are nine simple ways to give yourself a boost:

1.     Remember you are a miracle

The chances of you being born are 1 in 400 trillion so you’ve already beaten the odds of being phenomenal without even trying. It’s mind-blowing to think that a last-minute change in our parents’ plans could have meant we wouldn’t be here at all.

It makes you realise that every second we have on earth is remarkable, so let’s enjoy each one. As my father, the late Captain Sir Tom said: ‘The world is your oyster, go out and open it, don’t let anyone stop you’.

2. Make an effort to surround yourself with positive people

Joy loves company so make an effort to seek it out. Take time to be with people who are upbeat and optimistic. They don’t have to be saving the world, but they do like to smile and have got a grip on what’s important in life plus, with any luck, they will also be your champions.

We all have opinions, and we could all criticise those we don’t agree with but, fundamentally, if it’s not done in a constructive or positive and caring way it’s of no use, so avoid negative conversations or do your best to turn them around. 

3. See things from other people’s perspectives

It can help us feel more positive about a situation if we see things from another person’s point of view. We don’t mean taking on their problems but if, for example, you have a work colleague who seems to be unhappy then take some time to speak to them and see if you can get to the root of the issue.

Nine times out of ten it won’t be something at work that’s bothering them but their own self-confidence or an issue at home they don’t feel they can openly discuss. Be kind and supportive and they should be uplifted and more positive too which will filter through to the rest of the team.

4. Take in some fresh air

With busy lives, it’s important to have some time to refresh our bodies and minds so getting outside for ten to twenty minutes each day is a great pick-me-up.

There are so many benefits to getting some mood-enhancing, immune-boosting Vitamin D through daylight (even when it’s cloudy) when being outside but other positive factors are meeting people and feeling connected whether it be to nature or the community; plus it’s great for your physical health and rain or shine you’ll be sure to come back with a healthy glow. 

5.    Be strict with screen time

We are grown-ups and in no way are going to be sucked into that rabbit warren of TikTok reels and Instagram stories about other people’s lives are we?  Well, to this day we have not met a person who didn’t get distracted by them, and even with the best intentions we’ve all got caught up in a web of social posting.

Whilst social media can be highly amusing and useful (hard to think there was a time when information wasn’t at our fingertips) it can be equally damaging to our mental health so set a time limit for scrolling. Also, don’t be tempted to compare yourself to others and do not get sucked into online spats because quite frankly nothing good has ever come of them.

6. Take a closer look at your lifestyle

Could you think of any simple ways that you could adjust your daily routine to give your body and brain a lift? Little changes such as going to bed half an hour earlier, making sure you drink lots of water (we know, we know… but it will pay off with both body and mind), and cutting down on the stimulants will really help you feel refreshed and ready to take on the world.

We are not saying give up everything (who could do that?) but just make sure you treat the body you have with the respect it deserves because when you feel good physically you will feel great mentally. Think about this: we spend money every year on servicing our cars, putting on new tyres, and cleaning the interior, do you give your body and mind the same care and devotion?

7. Accept there is good and bad out there

Every time we switch on the news there are negative and often horrifying stories that influence our mindsets and leave us feeling helpless and sometimes distressed. It would help reduce that if you could balance your viewing time with positive stories; there are some brilliant websites that only promote good news and they will reaffirm that there are millions of fantastic people in the world doing kind, caring, and amazing things (to see for yourself take a look at A Gift of Kindness).

Take some time to be reminded that for every terrible thing happening, there is an equally fantastic one. If you feel that you can help with a situation, do take action however don’t feel that it always has to be a massive gesture, whatever you are doing personally to make the world a better place is wonderful.

8. Get reading 

Whether it’s printed, electronic or an audio version there is nothing like the escapism of a fantastic book to help us momentarily tune out of our worries and get stuck into another point of view whether it be through a comic strip, life story or an epic mystical tale. Research carried out by the University of Minnesota, shows that stress can be reduced by almost 70% thanks to reading. 

Additionally, the Reading Agency has listed that studies by the University of Liverpool have shown that people reading for pleasure have greater levels of self-esteem, better ability to cope with tricky situations, and have better sleep patterns.  Even half an hour a week will make a difference.

9. Don’t delay in tackling whatever is bothering you

There is always a temptation to put our heads in the sand with issues that can be too overwhelming to deal with but try not to let things drag on. Get a trusted friend, family member, or life coach to talk you through what is keeping you up and night and work on steps together to get through it.

If you are in debt, unhappy at work, or have issues at home that are too much to handle then find someone who won’t judge and will take the time to sit down with you and work out why things seem difficult and look at how to change things.

 If you would like further information about the accredited coaching that I offer, how it could benefit you or your business, please get in touch here.


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